List of Regents in West Java : Capcus
List of Regents in West Java : Capcus

List of Regents in West Java : Capcus

List of famous districts in West Java

West Java has a lot of schemes, and almost all have their own  rights. The various districts in the province are truly understood, and the Indonesians have a good understanding of the various benefits available in western Java.

A variety of tourism industries are often visited by a variety of tourists from abroad and abroad, but the dining section continues to grow and know better.

One of the Indonesians must  also understand a wide variety of tribes and cultures from other regions, and the Sandanese tribes are influenced by the West Java region The state of West Java itself is divided into 18 territories and 9 and a half cities, and the following information is  available.

West Java Regency beginning is formed

West Java or Jawahar Kualon is one of the most well-known provinces by other people in Indonesia. Indonesia itself has a wide variety of provinces but not all are well known by Indonesians.

You will find a wide variety of cultural differences that astound tourists and local people, but the history of western Java is not widely known.

In the fifth century, this one province was part of the Kingdom of Tarumanigara, leaving various inscriptions from the Kingdom and spreading widely in West Java There are about seven inscriptions written in the book Winge Handwriting, most of which use sanskrit to describe the king’s journey from Terumanigara.

Tarumanigara was unable to do so successfully and continued to exist in Sandan, a country that is still well-preserved in the Bogo region. In 1925, the struggle between west Java was used as an administrative concept in the days of Dutch East India.

It is also based on the formation of districts in  West Java, as well as a variety of improvements in West Java so far. It makes people in the state feel safer to develop various areas, particularly in the economic segment.

Have you ever understood all the districts of West Java? It was earlier indicated that there are about 18 provinces and 9 cities. The capital of this province is located in Bandung. On October 17, 2000 it will become a separate state in several areas of the state; a separate state named Benton will be formed.

List of Regents in West Java

If you are curious about the various names of the region, you can find out some of the inventions from Java Kulon here.

Bandung Regency, the capital in Soran. One area has around 1,767 inhabitants, about 3,145,254 inhabitants, around 3,145,254 inhabitants, and the comprise of 31 districts and 10 districts makes this district quite famous.

Additionally, West Bandung Regency has around 1,305 West Bendong Regency, the capital of West Bendong, which has a population of around 1,616,203 and is divided into 16 districts.

  Bekasi Regency, a 1,224-kilometer area in West Java Regency, is relatively dense, with a population of 2,554,376 and is gradually distributed.

Compared with others, Boga is associated with a very large area, which has a population of about 2,710 cubic kilometers with a population of 4,246,307.

Sianja covers 3,840 cubic miles [3,840 km] of land and has 13 districts, with a population of about 2,246,663, with a population of about 2,246,663 in 32 districts.

The Siamites had a population of 1,228,294, and the district had about 1,414 Cuban KM.

About 2,099,089 residents are spread across more than 40 branches of land.

Garus had a population of 2,210,017 inhabitants of 3,074 cubic feet [3,074 cubic feet] of cubic feet [3,074 cubic feet], and there were 42 districts separated.

Andramayu occupies 1,845,205 districts in 31 districts, and the Andramayu territory is about 2,040 cubic km.

Karawan, a region of 1,652 cubic feet [1,652 cubic meters], has a population of about 2,110,476, and Karawan has 30 districts spread across the district.

For example, there are many districts in west Java, such as Simahi, Sirbon, Sukabumi, Sukabumi, Purkabumi, Sukabumi, Sukabumi, Magalanga, Pangandaran, Sumidan, and many others.

Each district must have a variety of characteristics, starting with business, tourism, education, and so on. West Java has succeeded in building a positive character for the people of West Java, despite its many districts.

Economy in the West Java region

 In addition to understanding the territorial name in West  Java, you understand the various possibilities you have, and West Java has plenty of potential to be owned by West Java as one of the provinces with many residents.

Thus, from economics, we know that this state is developing in a variety of fields, starting with manufacturing and agriculture. Located on both sides of the Java Sea, marine and fisheries also have an improved economy.

The economy continues to improve well in West Java, and many residents will no doubt improve by using a variety of efforts to improve their states.

Tourism in the West Java region

When viewed from tourism sites, the districts in West Java will never be left behind; there are plenty of good places to use as a destination on vacation; much of the tourism industry in one of these states is more about natural tourism.

Still, many visitors from in and out of the region still come on vacation, and if classified, tourism in West Java is about 96 in various categories.

It starts with beaches, waterfalls, falls, dams, amusement parks, museums, and many others. Are you interested in spending the holiday in theulon? Your holiday might be more enjoyable if you choose one of the above districts for the holiday.

There are many states compared to the cities in the state, but if you try to explore in these different districts, there must be things to find interesting things to find: West Java has a lot of breeding, but all have their own natural beauty.

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