Steps for handling JNE complaints if there is a problem: SSSTiktok
Steps for handling JNE complaints if there is a problem: SSSTiktok

Steps for handling JNE complaints if there is a problem: SSSTiktok

In the field of shipping expeditions, JNE is one of the leading exporting enterprises in Indonesia. However, it is not uncommon to get complaints from JNE. This is quite reasonable given that this expedition is often trusted to send goods from many parties.

Almost all e-commerce makes JNE a recommendation for available expeditionary services. This is because this expeditionary service provider is reliable and always prioritizes the safety of the package until it reaches the consumer.

JNE has been operating as one of the divisions of PT Citra van Titipan Kilat (TIKI) since 1990, and the company has continued to grow during that time. We not only provide domestic courier services, but also courier services on an international scale.

Innovation after innovation continues to develop until the scale of delivery covers the whole world and the whole of Indonesia. Due to the rapid development of JNE, the company eventually separated from TIKI and operated all its business activities independently.

The service of this package delivery company is very good, so it is widely preferred by many people. Various guarantees are offered to ensure the safety of the goods. Most consumers are happy, but also a very small percentage of those who are not.

The reason for this is very common, so it is a problem when delivering packages. Either the delivery time is too long or the package is not a clear trace of its existence. However, in this case, the liability of the company cannot be separated. Because there is a JNE complaint service that you can use if there is a problem with the package.

Complaints about phone media

Filing a complaint through the telephone network is the most common and most preferred method by cu s tomer. That’s because customers get an immediate response when they submit a complaint. Even they can quickly get a solution to the problem of the package.

So you don’t have to wait long for an answer or solution from the company. Unfortunately, JNE complaints over the phone are not free.  When you do it this way, you have to bear the cost of the phone. Below is to file a complaint with JNE by phone.

  1. Contact the JNE Call Center

The first step you have to do is to contact the JNE call center at (021) 2927 8888. Wait for your carrier to answer your phone automatically.

  1. Press the desired extension correctly

When picking up the phone, the operator mentions a line of ensi numbers for ect specific to the customer’s needs. Listen carefully to the extension number that handles the package issue.

Because if you press the wrong extension, it won’t respond to your complaint. You will be asked to repeat the call and contact the appropriate officer.

  1. File a complaint

Connecting to the correct extension number will allow the attendant to provide service and help resolve package issues. Communicate all JNE complaints in good language and manner so that officers can understand them well.

Complaints via JNE Official Email

If you don’t like to express package problems directly over the phone line, the solution is to tell them via JNE’s official email. The advantage of this method is that you are free to write down all complaints and complaints in detail.

In addition, the cost of a JNE complaint via email is much cheaper than telling them over the phone. Because all  you need  is an internet connection. However, the expedition will be slow to respond. But they can help you solve the problem with your package.

You can simply send an email to your address According to our advice, if the problem with your package is very urgent, it is better not to make a complaint in this way.

Complaints via social media

One way to complain about your package issues is through JNE Social Media. This package delivery company is one of the companies that is most in line with the development of n times. This is evidenced by their presence on various social media platforms.

This social media can also be used as a place to communicate various JNE complaints from customers. The expedition may respond quickly by commenting on posts and direct messages.

This proves the openness of JNE services to JNE service users and as a means of maintaining customer trust. You can contact the package delivery service companies JNE (Facebook), JNE_ID (Twitter) and jne_id (Instagram).

Complaints by asking Joni provided

In addition to the call center phone connection, JNE also offers a chat feature with very fast responses on its website pages. This chat feature is named Ask Joni and this feature is a live chat service with customer service that is provided to handle all customer complaints.

When you open the Ask Joni function, you are prompted to enter personal data that is closely related to the package. Make sure that all data entered is accurate and appropriate.

The server then connects your request and looks for customer service that can respond to JNE’s complaint. Once the customer service is notified via live chat by bu ng, you can submit all complaints about package issues.

Customer service will provide solutions to these issues directly at that time. To be able to lodge a complaint in this way, you only need an internet connection. The given R Escape is also much faster than email.

Types of Complaints Submitted Most Frequently

Considering that JNE is a very large shipping company in this country, each customer’s complaints are definitely different. As a result, various complaints were received from various parties through various media.

From many complaints it turns out that it can be outlined the essence of all of them and put them in several groups as follows:

  1. Package Delay

Package delays are a very frequent issue. Factors that affect the delay of this package include traffic jams, damage to expedition vehicles when sending packages, road damage, or many more unpredictable things.

  1. Wrong Submission

Packages sent by mistake are certainly common, but what else would you do if the address is ambiguous and resembles someone else’s? The package can be resent, but it can be very fatal if it turns out that you can’t get the package from the first recipient.

  1. Lost baggage

Lost packages often occur because they have been hidden in other JNE posts or left behind. Especially with the large number of products sent, it is not uncommon for some people to be delayed in evading data collection. This will certainly cause more JNE complaints  .

  1. Corrupted Packages

Damage to goods shipped using expeditionary services is certainly very vulnerable. This is because, in the process of transporting and shipping goods, there are other activities that can pile up, be thrown or damage the goods.

Therefore, JNE provides a warranty on the damage of the goods.  You can also use certain services to increase the security of your shipments. For example, electronic products that are prone to damage.

  1. No satisfactory service

The unsatisfactory service is one of the reasons why many customers complain to the shipping company. Because no one, even if it seems foolishly served and despised, will definitely feel happy.

JNE’s complaints are the right of all customers. Because JNE’s  continued improvement of quality in the  field of expeditions is not only for the benefit of the customer, but also for the benefit of JNE.

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