Tiki call center number 24/24 and Tiki service : PolresGowa
Tiki call center number 24/24 and Tiki service : PolresGowa

Tiki call center number 24/24 and Tiki service : PolresGowa

Tiki call center number 24/24 and Tiki service

Tiki strives to provide maximum service by providing a 24-hour tiki call center number.   Tiki is a company operating in the field of freight forwarding services.   Tiki was founded in 1870. Currently, tiki has been transformed into one of the largest freight forwarding service providers in Indonesia.   Tiki’s network has reached 65 major cities in Indonesia.

The larger the customer from Tiki, the better the service to the customer. Tiki is one of the  oldest freight forwarding service companies in Indonesia. In the delivery, there are often problems that occur. Starting from unattainable packages, damaged goods, etc. If   you  encounter this, you can contact the call center.

The role of switchboards in companies engaged in freight forwarding services is very important. Because in sending n goods there are actually a lot of sikonya ri. Sometimes there are also customers who can’t wait for the goods to arrive quickly. Customers will usually contact the tiki switchboard number directly if they encounter this situation.

Previously, tiki switchboards did not have a 24-hour license card, but now you can contact the tiki switchboard number 24/24. This is because more and more customers need call center services. With call center service, expect that all tiki customers are well served. Tiki always strives to provide the best service according to the needs of customers  in the modern era.

How to check delivery via Tiki

If you are shipping goods, what you may really need isto know where the goods have arrived. For this reason, usually every freight forwarding service provides a service to check the location of the goods. Knowing the location of goods can make customers feel comfortable.

The way to track the location of goods through tiki is quite easy. All you need to prepare is the receipt number. The receipt number is the number used to identify the shipment.  Nomor this receipt will be used to perform the tracking. To follow through tiki there are two ways.  If you have problems tracking, you can contact the 24-hour tiki call center number.

The first way is online tracking. You can visit the https://www.tiki.id/id/tracking page to  perform the tracking. On the page you just need to enter the receipt number. Make sure the receipt number you entered is correct. If so, you just have to click on the follow button. You can also track more than several receipts at the same time.

The second way is to call the 24-hour tiki call center number. The second way, you also need to prepare the receipt number. Please make a call to the call center, then say what you want to say. Usually, the call center will ask for a receipt number for the delivery you made. After that, the switchboard will monitor and then communicate the results.

Cara Menghubungi Tiki

The need for a call center at a delivery service company is critical. It feels like probably almost every day someone contacts the tiki call center. Because when customers have delivery problems or are not satisfied with the service, they will definitely contact the call center. Meanwhile, there are a lot of deliveries made every day.

If you have problems with sending tiki you can call the 24-hour tiki call center number. You can contact the tiki switchboard via 1500125 phone number. You can request to share information using the hotline number. For example, tiki services, goods that are not as good as the destination, damaged goods, the location of the goods, etc. By calling the call center number, it will usually be served faster.

You can also contact tiki customer service through social media. Now where people love to use social networks, tiki also uses social networks to provide services to customers. Only usually when contacted via social media long enough to get an answer.   You can find tiki social media on facebook tiki.id, twitter @idtiki and instagram @tiki_aid.

But if you want to get a quick answer, you shouldn’t get in touch via social media. Because if you submit questions via social media, the service is not available for 24 hours. There is also the possibility that the administrator did not open your message so that it did not receive a reply.

In addition to using social media and a 24-hour tiki call center number, you can contact customer service via email.  Contacting customer service via email may be an option if you are unable to connect when connected to a phone number. Because maybe customer  service op erator is very busy serving other customers. You can email tiki@tiki.id.

The advantages that Dipunya oleh Tiki

Tiki being one of the largest delivery services in Indonesia obviously has many advantages. One of them tiki offers its services at very competitive prices. It can even be said that the prices offered by tiki are cheaper than other delivery services. Tiki also provides guaranteed freight forwarding services.

Moreover, it is very important that tiki has aservice of sending n  inspection of goods in real time. That way, it will bring comfort to using tiki.  You  can access real-time tracking services  through  tiki’s official website or you can also through the tiki app.    If you have difficulty keeping track, you can contact the 24-hour tiki call center number.

Tiki has a lot of experience in the field of freight forwarding. As one of the pioneers in providing services in Indonesia, the experience that tiki possesses is clearly unquestionable. So you don’t have to worry about the quality of service from tiki. Tiki’s branch offices are also numerous, so they are easy to find.

 Service Owned oleh Tiki

Tiki has some very interesting services, services from tiki will bring convenience to customers. Here are some services from the freight forwarding service per u sahaan tiki. The first is online pickup or THUMBS UP. JEMPOL is an application for receiving goods and documents. And the remarkable thing about this THUMB service is that there is no minimum weight limit.

The second is a tiki socket that is open for 24 hours. That way, you can send the goods whenever you want. This will be very useful for those of you who have an online business. With stores open in 24 hours, you can deliver goods to customers quickly. Tiki stores have spread in major cities in Indonesia. Tiki stores can also be an alternative if you want to ask questions in addition to using a 24-hour tiki call center number.

Tuesday is a 24-hour drive by.  This service is interesting because it allows customers to make deliveries without getting off. The 24-hour drive through service is only available in some areas. Tiki will also send SMS no approval  when the goods have started to be delivered and when they arrive at the destination address.

Moreover, namely insurance, tiki provides asuran si services to provide security to customers. So you don’t need to worry when using tiki’s services. Then tiki also offers real-time tracking. You can check the goods until in real time through the tiki app, our bwebsite, or through  the  24-hour tiki call center number.


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